Compliance Management

Compliance Management

Our Idea of Compliance

Compliance is often expressed and understood as 'observing laws and regulations', but for us at HANEWFOODS GROUP, the definition is broader than that. In order to be a company that society can trust, we believe we should not just simply observe the law. Rather, we should also conduct ourselves, both as a company and as individuals, with a high level of common sense, spurred on by ethical thinking.

HANEWFOODS GROUP Employees' Behavioral Guidelines

The HANEWFOODS GROUP Employees' Behavioral Guidelines were created and implemented to develop awareness of our compliance policy among all employees of our group companies.

These guidelines are studied by new employees and are regularly revisited via compliance trainings, as we strive to spread common sense regarding laws and regulations throughout our entire group.

HNEW Compliance Committee

Internal Committee

Each group company within the HANEWFOODS GROUP has its own compliance subcommittee, supervised by the HANEWFOODS Internal Committee, part of HANEWFOODS Inc.

These committees function as a contact person for employees to consult and report to. Employees contacting the committee are guaranteed fair treatment at their posts. The committees carefully research each case they are presented with, respond to questions, and summarize the state of affairs. They also work to prevent repeated incidents involving employees' breaching rules and laws.

The HANEWFOODS Internal Committee convenes every three months to review consultations and reported issues, and to investigate countermeasures or the results of previously taken countermeasures. They also share the compliance activities of each division. A committee member is appointed to each division to educate and train the Compliance Committees of each group company.

In addition, the HANEWFOODS Internal Committee discloses its activity reports to all employees twice per year, and to ensure that its periodic activities are fair and correct, has compiled a set of Compliance Committee Operating Standards to outline the authority and responsibilities of its members.

Internal reporting system

Each group company has an internal reporting system in place where, besides having face-to-face contact with a Compliance Committee member, employees can anonymously post written notifications to a designated mailbox, or seek consultation via phone, e-mail or other reports in writing.

Furthermore, HANEWFOODS GROUP has enacted the Compliance Reports and Consultor Protection Rule, which functions as an internal restriction to ensure that employees are treated fairly at their workplace.

Outside Expert Committee

The Outside Expert Committee is convened every three months and is comprised of lawyers and external experts. The committee objectively evaluates all compliance-related activities and gives appropriate instructions and advice regarding HANEWFOODS GROUP's compliance approach.

The minutes of the HANEWFOODS GROUP Compliance Committee are fully disclosed to the Outside Expert Committee, which evaluates any new measures and the results of previously taken measures, and provides instructions.

Diagram of the HANEWFOODS GROUP compliance system

Diagram of the HANEWFOODS GROUP compliance system